We are power!

Be ready to cast your vote in 2024!

Voter Registration Here!

Voter Education

Voting is your superpower! We provide non-partisan information so voters in our community can make the most informed decisions.

  • Indigenous Democracy Class - our free in classroom and community presentation on Native Vote. Grades 8 to 12. Request a presentation by emailing info[at]arizonanativevote.org or call 602-785-4207.

  • Learn about the voter registration process and what is required

  • Learn about the candidates and issues on our ballots

  • Learn about our voting options, such as when and how to receive your ballot

  • Learn about important dates and deadlines, polling locations, county election offices, Secretary of State elections, and tribal elections.

  • Increase civic engagement opportunities in tribal and rural communities.

Voter outreach.

Year round presence is key to developing, connecting, and maintaining community relationships.

Investment in tribal and rural communities is so important this is why are expanding our reach to communities and regions that have historically been underrepresented in state and federal elections

Information about Native American voting rights, state and federal election process, voter registration process, knowing key contacts such as county recorder office, tribal election offices, state elections, and more will be provided.

Activities: voter registration drives, presentations, Indigenous Democracy Class (grades 8-12 school curriculum), tabling at flea markets and other public spaces, information dissemination, canvassing, utilizing tribal media, digital organizing, and tapping into other online and offline creative communication and outreach strategies.